The Bursting Bookshelf

We've moved!

Hey guys. After I recently started blogging again I reevaluated the two main platforms (here and WordPress) and have decided that it's time for me to make the switch over to WordPress. I'd love if you would head over to theburstingbookshelf.wordpress.com to stay in touch with my blog. I'll be leaving this one up for now, so feel free to continue to enjoy...

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Stacking the Shelves

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It centers around bloggers sharing the books they've purchased or acquired throughout the week. If you're interested in participating, head over to Reading Reality every week. This week I had to take a trip to a nearby city and I made a little detour to one of my all-time favorite bookstores.  Naturally,...

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Sunshine Blogger Award

I was nominated for the Sunshine Award by Princess of Pages. Thank you so much for the nomination!  1. What’s the perfect day for you? My perfect day is a mix of Netflix and reading. I love just cozying up and enjoying a cup of coffee with a good book. Right now I'm also doing a rewatch of Gilmore Girls,  2. What was...

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One Day in December by Josie Silver

A huge thank you to Crown Publishing for the Advanced Copy via Netgalley! I found out about this book while I was scrolling through NetGalley. The book reminded me of a mix of Love, Rosie and One Day. As you may have noticed, I am a sucker for anything in the romantic genre. I'll be honest, going into the book, I thought I...

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Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme by The Artsy Reader This week's prompt is Popular Books that Lived Up to the Hype. I have so many books I could probably make this list 100s of books long 1. The Fault in Our Stars I read this book a few years ago when it first came out. Is it overhyped at this point? Probably....

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Walt Disney: An American Original


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